Areas of use
NEXUS / EASYDOC is used in a wide range of areas:
- Care documentation
- Resident documentation
- Nursing documentation
- Group documentation
NEXUS / EASYDOC: an overview
The essentials at a glance! It gives employees a quick overview of their residents. Important information on their health status is shown clearly and concisely.
You decide what is important! The entire system can be customized to meet individual needs, such as the display in the resident list.
The document structure
Simple navigation in the main tabs means that you can quickly switch to other areas of the documentation at any time, such as vital signs, removing the need for complicated searches. The functions available can be seen in a documentation sheet at the bottom.
Easy to enter data
New measurements, for example, can be easily entered. Selection tables, in which texts are pre-recorded, make documentation easier, ensure standardized language and thus significantly improve quality.
The basic functions of the documentation sheets are identical. If an employee can operate a documentation sheet, they can essentially use the entire documentation.
The integrated tooltip function also allows users to save information on potential, desired or required contents for each field.
Stay on top of all appointments
All appointments can be recorded and, if requested, linked to resources (e.g. rooms) or employees. This helps you easily stay on top of all resident appointments. But its uses extend beyond this: When is the treatment room occupied? Which therapist is with which resident at what time?
The ward appointments and resource appointments functions show this information clearly and immediately.
From all relevant input screens, you can easily and individually display your specific information according to all aspects, such as the number of parameters in a period, by ward, cause, location or distinctive feature. This information can be used quantitatively and qualitatively for development. For a more nuanced view, you can further group and sort the results. The option to include bar charts makes certain features even clearer and more comparable.
Quality assurance
The evaluations can be individually grouped and sorted by all aspects, such as the number of falls in a period, by ward, cause, location or injury. You can also use our solution to analyze risk potential.
Details for different areas
Care documentation
The assessment
As well as medical history forms according to their care model and national expert standards, other facility-specific scales or individual assistance with explanations for dementia severity scales, wandering, compliance, etc. can also be easily integrated.
After completing an assessment, the results are clearly displayed. Criteria identified as problematic can be viewed immediately.
Care planning
The criteria identified as problematic in the assessment are further addressed in care planning. Depending on the care model, entire catalogs and their content can be input. The documentation paths ensure optimal management of the care process quality.
The measures planned in care planning are shown as target services at the corresponding times in the service record.
Overview – care services
It is possible to document what work is to be done when. Care services can be documented from care planning. These services are listed as red status target services on the service record documentation sheet. As well as entries from the service catalog, individual information, e.g. residents’ preferences, can also be documented.
After completion, one or more services are marked as completed and confirmed.
Uncompleted services can also be documented. All target services are shown per day in line with specifications.
The progress of the care services provided can be documented. By doing so, it is possible to evaluate the care targets for which the care services were provided or not provided and what kind of progress notes staff wrote. As a result, care is transparent and clear.
Nursing documentation
The assessment
Various assessment systems can be shown. This collection of information includes other options as well as state-specific surveys, such as the Metzler process (HMB-W and HMB-T), IBRP, IHP3, participation plan process (“Teilhabeplanverfahren”), total plan process (“Gesamtplanverfahren”), Schlichthorst model, M.A.S.S., other options, including in combination with SGB XI. For example, care risks or needs-specific scales can be integrated easily and quickly. After completing an assessment, the results are clearly displayed. Criteria identified as problematic can be viewed immediately, including in color if requested.
Day structure / care planning
The criteria identified as problematic in the assessment are further addressed in care planning. Depending on the care model, entire catalogs and their content can be input. This makes it possible to display potential resources and problems for a criterion, potential targets for problems and potential measures for targets. These documentation paths ensure optimal management of the care process quality.
The measures planned in care planning are shown as target services at the corresponding times in the service record.
Overview – services
The tasks to be completed can be documented, showing their priority and importance. Planned measures are clearly shown in the day structure. Linking the performance record to other input screens helps employees with progress notes and avoids duplicate documentation. The performance record lists these measures and services as red status target services.
As well as entries from the service catalog, individual information, e.g. residents’ preferences, can also be documented. After completion, one or more services are marked as completed and confirmed. Each completed service is assigned the status blue and is automatically documented with the date, time and initials of the employee. Uncompleted and postponed services can also be documented. easyDOC shows all care services per day in line with specifications.
This ensures that resident care and development are transparent, clear and safe.
Encouraging participation with all professions
Residents are at the heart of NEXUS / EASYDOC. All people and professions involved are included in the documentation. Therapists, educators, psychologists and external parties can add treatments, services and observations individually in specialized input screens at any time. Documentation is focused in one system, making the development process more transparent.
Group documentation
All activities, measures and reports for all persons receiving care and for individual special groups can be quickly identified and very effectively reported in daily documentation.
In addition to NEXUS / EASYDOC documentation, the “appointment manager” is a
resource-focused planning tool for general appointments, rooms, specialist departments and internal / external specialists.
It clearly shows whether the treatment room is occupied or at capacity. Which therapist is with which resident at what time? All data are linked to the care records of the individual children and young people, avoiding duplication.
The NEXUS / EASYDOC form generator allows you to combine all required data into one document. This can be used for internal purposes, for passing on information to carers, as an application for funding requirements or as a development report to the parties covering the costs and the youth welfare office.
The form can also be designed to be interactive. Users have a range of options when creating the forms, for example additional free input or tick boxes. Free survey scales can be included.
The cockpit
The cockpit function allows users to carry out individual evaluations even if they have no special computing knowledge. These can be exported at any time by dragging and dropping into other programs, such as a spreadsheet. This graphical data preparation is highly convenient and provides a simple and quick overview of all documentation criteria data.
Mobile service recording
With the handy NEXUS / MOBILE solution, you can efficiently and quickly optimize service recording in your operations. The fully integrated service recording for material or additional expenses can be processed individually by care staff and related service providers. The system does not communicate via interfaces and is instead fully integrated in the app. This ensures process optimization with the latest technologies. Residents’ photographs and favorite services, which are synchronized with the app, can be saved. Residents can also be contacted by phone directly from the app.
Care documentation and planning
The software will be your daily companion in caring for residents. It ensures complete documentation, quality checks and compliance with legal regulations. Most importantly, it distracts you as little as possible from your actual task of caring for residents.
The IT solution covers the entire process of care management and, at the same time, constitutes a collection of information in which the information, whether personal details, relatives, doctors, diagnoses or the detailed resident biography, is presented clearly.
Our highlights
- Fast documentation and comprehensible effective documentation
- Simple, continuous operation
- Flexible display
- Risk potential analysis
- Risk analysis manual
- Cockpit for evaluations
- Clear display of goals with reminder function
- Evaluations in the context of care quality management
NEXUS / CARE OF THE ELDERLY can be easily customized to individual needs, including care models according to AEDL, ATL, Böhm and others and care diagnoses such as NANDA, KKF, etc.
More information

Point of contact
Michael Lürken
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Get in touch and we can discuss your individual situation.