NEXUS / HOME ADMINISTRATION is powerful, user-friendly software for retirement and care homes, children’s and young people’s homes, facilities for people with disabilities and addiction facilities. The IT solution reduces your routine workload, supports you through intelligent automated processes and provides up-to-date and relevant information and evaluations about your residents at any time.
NEXUS / HOME ADMINISTRATION provides logical, easy to use functions and processes and an extensive and flexible range of services.
The cube prepares your data
With the cube, various key business figures can be exported directly from the database and displayed in an evaluation program. Data are displayed using various programs, such as Power BI from Microsoft, Excel or our cube browser. The data are automatically prepared every night, or this can be initiated manually. Data updates are extremely effective and can be started and processed over lunchtime.
The cube as a management cockpit
By showing cube figures in Excel, available data can also be displayed in chart form and updated at any time. The connection to the cube ensures that data are continuously tracked, making it easier for you to manage your operations. In just a few clicks, you can expand, adjust and rearrange existing pivot tables so that the data meet your requirements.
Cube as basis for the annual report
As the analyses are saved and can be reused multiple times, you can set default information for the annual report and so at the push of a button have access to all information that you previously would have had to collect. Regardless of whether you require the average age for each gender or care hours for each department, the cube provides the data you need. This can be easily copied into your annual report.
Standard cubes available
The cube is provided with predefined analysis cubes as standard. These cubes can be expanded on the basis of customer requests or linked to additional, customer-specific data fields. The following standard cubes are available:
- All information on cost accounting entries
- All information on cost accounting budget
- All information on accounts receivable
- With all financial accounting information
- With all bed occupancy information
- With all resident-related information
- With all service information
- With all accounts payable information
- With all wage/salary information
- With all personnel information
- Care costs – billing
- Billing additional services
- Billing incontinence flat charges
- Billing under Section 43B flat charges
Cash amount management
The system bills the cash amounts with the social cost carrier and allocates the amounts to the cash amount account.
All receipts and payments can be posted, and the cash balance can be viewed at any time. If requested, automated letters to the cash administrator can be generated if account limits are exceeded or not reached. For collective entries, e.g. foot care, pharmacy or hairdresser, there is a separate function to divide these entries among the residents concerned.
NEXUS / CUBE allows you to evaluate facts and data promptly and in detail and export them from the database. The results provide a template for communication with stakeholders and a good basis for your decision-making.
Care documentation and planning
The software will be your daily companion in caring for residents. It ensures complete documentation, quality checks and compliance with legal regulations. Most importantly, it distracts you as little as possible from your actual task of caring for residents.
The IT solution covers the entire process of care management and, at the same time, constitutes a collection of information in which the information, whether personal details, relatives, doctors, diagnoses or the detailed resident biography, is presented clearly.
Our highlights
- Fast documentation and comprehensible effective documentation
- Simple, continuous operation
- Flexible display
- Risk potential analysis
- Risk analysis manual
- Cockpit for evaluations
- Clear display of goals with reminder function
- Evaluations in the context of care quality management
NEXUS / CARE OF THE ELDERLY can be easily customized to individual needs, including care models according to AEDL, ATL, Böhm and others and care diagnoses such as NANDA, KKF, etc.
More information

Point of contact
Michael Lürken
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Get in touch and we can discuss your individual situation.
Our solutions
Here you can find additional software solutions relevant to NEXUS / HOME.